Product Variants


To create product variations, the admin need to create the feature (Variations as one product) first and pre-define the variations.

Is there any way to allow variations to be created from a feature that the vendor can dynamically type in when creating the variants (not using the predefined variations) ?

We have many products and each product have multiple favors. So we would like to display the product only once and show the different favors as variants.

But it is not possible for the admin to pre-define all the favors from different vendors.

Please advise.


You can go into tab Settings -> Vendors and check the checkbox "Allow vendors to manage product features". That way, each vendor will be able to create his own features, and then create variations based on them.

If you don't see this checkbox, you have an older version of Multi-Vendor and it is not possible to give vendors control over features. The best solution in that case is to create one "Favor" feature, and add all the possible favors that will came to your mind, so most of the vendor cases will be covered. Vendors can later request adding missing favors.

Best regards,
