Product Quantity Discount Box In Category List View?


How can i show Product Quantity Discount Price in Category List View Below Each Product?


Or use this “from” price

I appreciate about your concern but i want that quantity discount box in category list view below each product as showing in Product detail page. Grid View / List view will be very helpful if you can please suggest me about that. I am using VivaShop Theme with 4.9.3 Multivendor software.


For 3rd part themes it is better to contact theme developers with such questions

I appreciate about your concern but i want that quantity discount box in category list view below each product as showing in Product detail page. Grid View / List view will be very helpful if you can please suggest me about that. I am using VivaShop Theme with 4.9.3 Multivendor software.


Please feel free to contact us here and we will provide a solution for you.


Check the modification on our website Wholesale Pricing.

It makes a table of the dealer prices on the product page.

Our developer can add this table on the category page. It would be cheaper than developing this feature by scratch.

In case you have any questions, please, contact our developers at or click here.

Best regards,


Its a nice modifications, I would definitely consider it in future but at the moment i just want to show that box as it is below the product in category list view...

Thank You

Its a nice modifications, I would definitely consider it in future but at the moment i just want to show that box as it is below the product in category list view...

Thank You

I see your point. We got your message on our email and the developer will answer you today.

Best regards,


Its a nice modifications, I would definitely consider it in future but at the moment i just want to show that box as it is below the product in category list view...

Thank You

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