Product Options - Variant thumbs

Hello all,

I just started playing with this shopping cart and have a stupid question that I hope someone can answer for me.

The product option variant has a place to insert a thumbnail but there isn’t a place for the “enlarged image” like there is on the option combinations page.

Since the site I am working on (Page not found – Fine Handwear) is selling gloves I needed to set up a combo for every color in every size that each glove comes in. (quite an undertaking)

However - Since the image doesn’t need to change for the size option (a small black glove looks just like a large one) I was wondering if there was a way to make the large image change when the variant thumb is clicked on (or the color is changed in the drop down menu) without setting up images for each color/size combo.

The reason I am asking is because it is so much easier to put a thumb in for each color variant but it is a real pain in the keester to put in a thumb for each color/size combo.

I sure hope that I have made sense here. It is kind of confusing.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Did you acheive this Tanya,

I need same.



yeah wondering the same thing… anyone got this to work properly?

I saw someone in the forum accomplish this… I can’t find it i been looking for like 1 hr. I shouldve has done it when I saw it.

they were like selling butterflies


Hope I can make sense of this feature that is a bit tricky but definitely doable.

It’s odd how you have to create multiple options with variants. Basically it’s a three part deal. First you have to create the option (for example I will use Color). You edit this option and add the various variants that you will be using such as, Blue, Red, Green and save.

Next, on the options page you will notice option combinations link down on the left bottom side under your newly created option (not variants). Click it! You will now have a drop down box which lists all your newly created colors (variants). Add them all and save. Now you will have the ability to add images and product numbers to these variants. (Note: Which ever variant that is listed first will be the image that shows on the main product page. So you will want to put an image of the first variant on the product page).

Next, you will need to go back to the main general tab and set the inventory to “track with options” which allows the variant part numbers to change as you click them on the product page and track stock status.

Now you need to go back to options and click and edit your color option again (not variant options but the one main color option that you first created). Once open you will need to click the variants link. Then click the little plus on each variant and it will expand. Here you will add a color swatch, picture or whatever you want to use. The butterfly site uses color swatches that were probably made in photoshop. After you have added the images and saved, then you’re done!

Click the preview link of the product and viola! You will have the color swatches or different colored images that will link to your variant images.

Hope this isn’t horribly confusing, but I tried. I accomplish this very thing on my site which is 2.0.12. I’m sure this is still the same in 2.1.2 as I accomplished the same thing on the demo.


I did the swatches the method that derbytown used. Also, as far as the images for the options, I basically took the hard route and uploaded the same image for each variant. No magic, just many hours.

Cheers Stu, I have been looking for this for a while.


Good! Glad this was of use.

The other thing that I failed to mention is that if you’re going to be using the same colors and swatches, then you can go the global options route. Same process, however, the variants and swatches will already be created for the constructed global color option. Thus saving a great deal of time if you’re infact using the same colors for every product.

Just a thought as I know we all are looking for ways to scrub time and be more efficient. Which apparently I haven’t been able to do up to this point in our project;)


One issue with the color variants as global is that all your thumbs on the category page will be the SAME color (your first color). I had to rebuild some from scratch to make sure the colors were in a different order. It goes by the order on the option combinations. I did find someone on the forum that created a mod to have your actual image you uploaded for general as the thumbnail but I haven’t done it yet.