Product Option Thumbs

I’m not sure if this is the correct section to post this, so if it’s wrong could a mod please move it to the correct area

Looking to change the thumb site of the product option images and if possibly have them linked to a pop up of the full size image too.

So that users can see exactly what there ordering rather than a tiny picture,

Check under Admin/Settings then Thumbnails over to the right :slight_smile:

that only has product and catagory thumb settings?

I also want to change the thumb size of the product option images and if possibly have them linked to a pop up of the full size image too. Can anybody help???

Has anyone figured out how to do this? I also need popups of the thumbs, or the thumb onclick to change the product image. The size of the thumb I think is hard coded in a template and the width is set at 50 pixels. You can change it here


Find object_type="product_option" image_width="50"

And adjust the width as needed

I agree this thumbnail width and height should be set in Admin/Settings

Under the product, if you go to options then option combinations at the bottom, you should be able to set an image for each combination. The thumbnail should change when you click the option and change what pop-ups as well.