product option image not rendering in correct size

I have different sizes set up under product options.

The image for the default 8 oz size is a jar.

Added an image for the 2 lb pouch under Extra.

#1 issue: image renders as tiny thumbnail and in a weird place.

I would have thought it would render where the default image is and the same size when a different size is selected.

#2 issue: image does not go away when any other size is selected.

Obviously I can delete the image to make it go away but wondering if it's a known bug or something I dont have configured correctly.

Thank you.

Animin extra pic.png

looks like the add to cart button ahs been moved so when the product option images are added it gaets in the way. Is it V 3 and did you modify the product_details template


No my developer is having the same trouble with the import add on as many others so we haven't upgraded to v3 yet. I'll have to ask him about the product_details template. Thank you!