Product Name Preview


When you have a product with a long name on the category page the name is shortened with ... at the end. Is there anyway to show more or all of the product name?

Thanks Triplets but there's no solution for us there. We use Energot theme.

I've tried to edit design>themes>energot>templates>common>product_data.tpl and changed 44 to 80 but no change is made site wise.

Since it’s not a cs cart issue you need to contact your theme developer.

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Thanks Triplets but there's no solution for us there. We use Energot theme.

I've tried to edit design>themes>energot>templates>common>product_data.tpl and changed 44 to 80 but no change is made site wise.

Contact theme developers. Looks like their modules overrides default template

I've asked for a quote to change, see what they say.

Energot Themes have a very strict, paid support system with lots of rules and they also seem annoyed if I email them haha :mrgreen: :shock:

I've asked for a quote to change, see what they say.

Energot Themes have a very strict, paid support system with lots of rules and they also seem annoyed if I email them haha :mrgreen: :shock:

Not good, Id look at changing.