Product List Override Template

anyone have any idea how to override product_list.tpl within blocks or is this not possible??

i created a file addons/my_addon/blocks/list_templates/product_list.override.tpl but does not seem to override

In order to load an addon, you need an addon .xml file in the /addons/my_addon/ directory. You can copy the .xml file from the attachments directory, change the name to my_addon and the title to “My Addon”. From the Administration > Addons you can install the addon and the override template will be loaded.

Yes i already have a custom addon made but the product_list.override does not seem to override thats what im saying - just wondered if it was possible as does not appear to be working

Is the template in this directory:


nope i have it placed here:


which is a custom addon i built to do some other bits

You need to clear your cache so that your new file will be picked up.

There is no need to have it in the skins_repository if you do not plan to uninstall the addon at any point in the future.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t thing products_list.override.tpl still works. I believe it was changed in 2.0.14 to product_block.override.tpl

The product_block hook is called up in skins/your-skin/customer/blocks/list_templates/products_list.tpl

I did a search through every file in my site for products_list and the hook no longer exists in 2.1.1

Hope that helps,
