Product Filters don't work on Search Pages

When you enter in a search term on my site, and get the relevant results, the product filters do not update.

Here is an example of that:

Example Search Query

As you can see, there are only 9 products that come in from that search, but the product filters (on the left-side) show ALL of the filters for ALL products on my website (as if a search was never made).

Do I need to tweak anything with my product filter settings to fix this?

Anybody know how to get this to work correctly? On the 2.1.1 demo it is not working correctly either. Seems like this is a bug.

The filters for the search results page are based on the “home page” filters, which are set on a filter by filter basis. They are not decided by the products listed like on the category pages. It isn’t a bug, but instead a poor design decision for the search page to operate that way. I’m hoping they decide to change the search page filter functionality.

As do I. Solid search function is one of the most important features to an e-commerce website.

This really should get resolved.

I added it to the uservoice ideas site: [url][/url]