Product detail tabs

Can anyone give me a quick start as to how to add tabs to the tabsbox on the product details page?

I have a client who would like to add a tab that has an html article about the product. The tab would be named “Articles” and might have sub-tabs if more than one article applies.

The article should be referenced (rather than copied) so the same article can be used for multiple products (I.e. contents of a static page).


Design > Blocks > Products

Create a new block and drag it into the “tabs” section.

Wow, that was easy. I didn’t realize that new blocks could be dropped into the tabs area… Not bad from a simple test. Now if this could be a block that would reference html (or a pdf) and render it into the tabs area, that would be terrific (I.e. allow the “filling” to be a URL but have it display that URL within the tab…

Customer wants to be able to reference a single document (like an article) from several different products and have the info display in one of the tabs. The referenced URL may or may not be within the domain of the store.