Product Combinations Export And Import

We have a product for which we are exporting the combination to update it. The output is as below:

Product ID;Combination code;Combination;Amount;Language;Product name
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 3 | EUR : 35-36"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 4 | EUR : 36-37"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 5 | EUR : 37-38"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 6 | EUR : 38-39"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 7 | EUR : 39-40"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""
"37015;""HH547Blue"";""Foot Size - Women: IND : 8 | EUR : 40-41"";""2"";""en"";""(HH547Blue)"""

When we update the qty and try to import the same file it is giving the error below:

WarningYour CSV file has incorrect data formatting (incorrect delimiter, missed/missing fields, etc.) in the following lines: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Found the issue had to remove the "" but now a new problem the data is not updated it skips the records.

Product ID;Combination code;Combination;Amount;Language;Product name
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 3 | EUR : 35-36;2;en;(HH547Blue)
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 4 | EUR : 36-37;2;en;(HH547Blue)
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 5 | EUR : 37-38;2;en;(HH547Blue)
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 6 | EUR : 38-39;2;en;(HH547Blue)
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 7 | EUR : 39-40;2;en;(HH547Blue)
37015;HH547Blue;Foot Size - Women: IND : 8 | EUR : 40-41;2;en;(HH547Blue)
ImportantData is imported successfully.
New objects - 0;
Updated objects - 0;
Skipped objects - 6;
Total - 6.