Problems with add image in WYSIWYG editor

I seem to be unable to use the browser server button when trying to add an image.

I can add the image manually but clicking the browse server button seems to put a short delay - 1 to 2 s of some form in and then back to as we were - no window comes up or anything.

Any ideas anyone why this may be happening and what I can do to fix it.

Since you are not even getting the pop-up window, this sounds like a javascript security setting in your browser or a pop-up blocker stopping it.

Have you tried doing this in multiple web browsers? ie: IE7 and Mozilla/Firefox?

I have a similar problem with one of my Joomla sites. The same function on that site will not work with IE7 but does load fine with Firefox.

Thanks for the tip.

I have it working in firefox.

In IE7 I have tried turning off pops ups and on the google toolbar but no joy sadly.

I know this was a long time ago but I found out by trail and error that if you disable the google toolbar ad on, then you can browse server and actually get there. Ofcourse you wont know what page rank anything has until you re-enable it. If only I could figure out what inside of the toolbar is doing it.

Never worry about it being a long time ago it all adds to our knowledge base.

It shows that you use search and it cannot just be the two of us!