Problems with a block containing a text banner with a link... (2.0.12)

After I upgraded to 2.0.12, my blocks that have banners no longer click through. It redirects to a blank screen. However, this is only if the statistics addon is turned on. If I disable it, the links will click through again. I had no problems with these same banners/links with statistics ON when I was using 2.0.7. I’m wondering if this is a bug.

See this bug tracker post:



Thanks! :cool:

I think most people should be changing the Text Banners to HTML Blocks, but some will need to use banners for tracking. Let us know if the solution works.


Ah… I did not know the HTML blocks existed, but I see that option now. I simply need to make blocks that have links to other areas in the store and I do not want/need tracking anyway. I will switch. Thanks again. :slight_smile: