Prices in Hot Deals Block

Is it possible to show the product price in the hot deals block?

Yeah but trying to figure this out myself. Anyone have any suggestions?

Is anyone interested in this functionality. I received a quote of $90 from cs-cart to add this functionality, wondering if anyone wants to split the cost.

UPDATE: cancelled request with cs-cart

I am still looking for anyone that can offer any help on this one.

Maybe TexasGuy can do this!?

[quote name=‘CathyG’]Is it possible to show the product price in the hot deals block?[/QUOTE]

same problem

You should open this file:


and change this part of code:


{foreach name=“products” from=$items item=“product”}

{if $product.product}

{foreach from=$product.category_ids key=cat_id item=cat_main}

{if $cat_main == “M”}


with this one:


{foreach name=“products” from=$items item=“product”}

{if $product.product}

{if $settings.General.alternative_currency == “Y”}

{assign var=‘price’ value=$product.base_price|format_price:$currencies.$primary_currency:$span_id:$class:false}


{assign var=‘price’ value=$product.base_price|format_price:$currencies.$secondary_currency:$span_id:$class:true}


{foreach from=$product.category_ids key=cat_id item=cat_main}

{if $cat_main == “M”}


Then you should open this file:


and change this part of code:


for (i = count; i < count + (differ); i++) {

items[i] = {name: ‘’, link: ‘’, image: images_dir + ‘/spacer.gif’, width: 0, height: 0};



with this one:


for (i = count; i < count + (differ); i++) {

items[i] = {name: ‘’, link: ‘’, image: images_dir + ‘/spacer.gif’, width: 0, height: 0, price: ‘’};



and this part of code:


if (items[i].link == ‘’) {



} else {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘



with this one:


if (items[i].link == ‘’) {



} else {

if (items[i].price != ‘’) {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘
’ + items[i].price + ‘


else {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘




P.S. Make a backup

Anyone sorted this yet


You should open the folowing file:


an change this part of code:


for (i = count; i < count + (differ); i++) {

items[i] = {name: ‘’, link: ‘’, image: images_dir + ‘/spacer.gif’, width: 0, height: 0};



with this one:


for (i = count; i < count + (differ); i++) {

items[i] = {name: ‘’, link: ‘’, image: images_dir + ‘/spacer.gif’, width: 0, height: 0, price: ‘’};



and this part:


for (var i = idx; i <= idx + this.elements_count - 1; i++) {

if (items[i].link == ‘’) {



} else {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘


preimages[j] = items[i].image;




with this one:


for (var i = idx; i <= idx + this.elements_count - 1; i++) {

if (items[i].link == ‘’) {



} else {

if (items[i].price != ‘’) {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘
’ + items[i].price + ‘


else {

' + items[i].name + '
’ + this.truncate(items[i].name) +‘



preimages[j] = items[i].image;




Then you should open this file:


an change this part of code:


{foreach name=“products” from=$items item=“product”}

{if $product.product}

{foreach from=$product.category_ids key=cat_id item=cat_main}

{if $cat_main == “M”}

{include file=“common_templates/image.tpl” image_width=75 image_height=75 obj_id=“$block.block_id_$product.product_id” images=$product.main_pair object_type=“product” capture_image=true show_thumbnail=“Y”}

{assign var=“category” value=“,”|explode:$category_list}

{if !$cat_id|in_array:$category}


{assign var=“category_list” value=“$category_list,$cat_id”}







with this one:


{foreach name=“products” from=$items item=“product”}

{if $product.product}

{strip}{if $settings.General.alternative_currency == “Y”}

{assign var=‘price’ value=$product.base_price|format_price:$currencies.$primary_currency:$span_id:$class:false}


{assign var=‘price’ value=$product.base_price|format_price:$currencies.$secondary_currency:$span_id:$class:true}


{foreach from=$product.category_ids key=cat_id item=cat_main}

{if $cat_main == “M”}

{include file=“common_templates/image.tpl” image_width=75 image_height=75 obj_id=“$block.block_id_$product.product_id” images=$product.main_pair object_type=“product” capture_image=true show_thumbnail=“Y”}

{assign var=“category” value=“,”|explode:$category_list}

{if !$cat_id|in_array:$category}


{assign var=“category_list” value=“$category_list,$cat_id”}







sorry, but doesnt work for me - smarty error for undefind class. IF anyone knows, how can i add price in hot deals please write a method

[quote name=‘pletmintsev’]sorry, but doesnt work for me - smarty error for undefind class. IF anyone knows, how can i add price in hot deals please write a method[/QUOTE]

Which error exactly? I have tried this method earlier and it worked for me. Anyway, I will try to help you

sitemasterly, and sitemaster

which one of the post above is true?

[quote name=‘vidan’]sitemasterly, and sitemaster

which one of the post above is true?[/QUOTE]

They are equal

Any fix ?

price = Zero for all products

Don´t work for me :frowning:

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in addons/hot_deals_block/blocks/hot_deals.tpl line 31]: syntax error: invalid attribute name: ‘.$primary_currency:$span_id:$class:false’ (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1546)

Please i need some help…

I found the solution to display de Base Price, List Price and the discount:) :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I will post very soon the code here.

Replace the /yourskin/customer/addons/hot_deals_block/blocks/hot_deals.tpl

```php {* $Id: hot_deals.tpl 11896 2011-02-22 13:06:34Z alexions $ }

* block-description:hot_deals **}

{script src=“addons/hot_deals_block/js/”}

{foreach name="products" from=$items item="product"}
{if $product.product}
{assign var='price' value=$product.base_price}
{assign var='pricelist' value=$product.list_price}
{assign var='pricediscount' value=$product.list_discount}

{foreach from=$product.category_ids key=cat_id item=cat_main}
{if $cat_main == "M"}
{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" image_width=75 image_height=75 obj_id="`$block.block_id`_`$product.product_id`" images=$product.main_pair object_type="product" capture_image=true show_thumbnail="Y"}

{assign var="category" value=","|explode:$category_list}
{if !$cat_id|in_array:$category}

{assign var="category_list" value="`$category_list`,`$cat_id`"}

{section name="index" loop="4"}



and yoururl/addons/hot_deals_block/js/

// $Id: 11802 2011-02-09 10:46:38Z klerik $

function Deals(all_items, parent_elm, block_id)
this.elements_count = 4;
this.position = 0;
this.speed = 70;
this.max_loading_time = 70; // 7 sec
this.obj_image = [];
this.config = [];
this.all_items = all_items;
this.parent_elm = parent_elm;
this.all_items_count = all_items.length;
this.deal_items = this.all_items;
this.deal_items_count = this.all_items_count;
this.block_id = block_id;

this.config['elements'] = 0;
this.config['use_delay'] = true;
this.config['direction'] = [];


Deals.prototype = {
init: function()
var _deals = this;

$('.cm-deals-left', this.parent_elm).click(function () {
$('.cm-deals-right', this.parent_elm).click(function () {

$('.cm-deals-category', this.parent_elm).click(function () {


delay: function(time, func)
setTimeout(func, time);

use_pagination: function(idx, direction)
this.position = idx;

this.set_pagination(this.deal_items_count, (idx == 0) ? 0 : idx / this.elements_count);
this.get_html_items(idx, this.deal_items, true, direction);

set_pagination: function(count, idx)
var pages = Math.round(count / this.elements_count);
var ret = "";
var add2end = 0;
var add2start = 0;
var output_class;

var end_dif = this.elements_count - idx;
if (end_dif <= this.elements_count && end_dif >= 0) {
add2end += end_dif;

var start_dif = this.elements_count - (pages - idx - 1);
if (start_dif <= this.elements_count && start_dif >= 0) {
add2start += start_dif;

pagination_list = $(".cm-deals-pagination-list", this.parent_elm);

if (pages == 1) {
pagination_list.css('visibility', "hidden");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < pages; i++) {
if (i >= (idx - this.elements_count - add2start) && i <= (idx + this.elements_count + add2end)) {
if (i == idx) {
output_class = 'pagination-selected-page';
href = i + 1;
} else {
output_class = '';
href = "" + (i+1) + "";
ret += "" + href + " ";

pagination_list.css('visibility', "visible");

var _deals = this;

$('.cm-deals-pagination', this.parent_elm).click(function () {
_deals.use_pagination(parseInt($(this).attr('name')), 'right');

add_spacers: function(items, count)
var differ;

((count % this.elements_count) == 0) ? differ = 0 : differ = this.elements_count - (count % this.elements_count);

for (i = count; i < count + (differ); i++) {
items[i] = {name: '', link: '', image: images_dir + '/spacer.gif', width: 0, height: 0, price: '', pricelist: ''};

count += differ;

return {items: items, count: count};

filter_elements: function(cat_id, items)
var elements = [];

for (i in items) {
if (items[i].cat_id == cat_id) {

ret = this.add_spacers(elements, elements.length);

return {items: ret.items, count: ret.count};

change_elements: function(cat_id)
if (cat_id == 0) {
ret = this.add_spacers(this.all_items, this.all_items.length);
this.deal_items = ret.items;
this.deal_items_count = ret.count;

} else {
ret = this.filter_elements(cat_id, this.all_items);
this.deal_items = ret.items;
this.deal_items_count = ret.count;


if (this.deal_items_count <= this.elements_count) {
$(".cm-deals-left", this.parent_elm).hide();
$(".cm-deals-right", this.parent_elm).hide();

} else {
$(".cm-deals-left", this.parent_elm).show();
$(".cm-deals-right", this.parent_elm).show();

this.position = 0;
this.set_pagination(this.deal_items_count, 0);
this.get_html_items(0, this.deal_items);

mark_category: function(cat_id)
$('.active', this.parent_elm).removeClass('active');

$('.cm-deals-category', this.parent_elm).each(function(key, elem) {
if (parseInt($(elem).attr('name')) == cat_id) {

load_images: function()
use_delay = this.config['use_delay'];
elements = this.config['elements'];
direction = this.config['direction'];
_deals = this;

if (use_delay) {
$(".cm-deals-item-" + direction[0], _deals.parent_elm).html(elements[direction[0]]);
$(".cm-deals-item-" + direction[1], _deals.parent_elm).html(elements[direction[1]]);
$(".cm-deals-item-" + direction[2], _deals.parent_elm).html(elements[direction[2]]);
$(".cm-deals-item-" + direction[3], _deals.parent_elm).html(elements[direction[3]]);

} else {
for (i in elements) {
$(".cm-deals-item-" + i, this.parent_elm).html(elements[i]);


check_images: function(count)
var is_loaded = true;

for (var j = 0; j <= this.elements_count - 1; j++) {
if (typeof(this.obj_image[j]) == 'object' && !this.obj_image[j].complete) {
is_loaded = false;


if (is_loaded || count > this.max_loading_time) {
} else {
var _deals = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);

get_html_items: function(idx, items, use_delay, direction)
var elements = [];
var direct = [];
var preimages = [];
var is_flash = false;

loaded = 0;

if (direction == "left") {
direction = ['0', '1', '2', '3'];
} else {
direction = ['3', '2', '1', '0'];

jQuery.toggleStatusBox('show', lang.loading);

if ($(".hot-deals-list", this.parent_elm)) {
var j = 0;

for (var i = idx; i <= idx + this.elements_count - 1; i++) {
if (items[i].link == '') {

} else {
preimages[j] = items[i].image;

this.config['elements'] = elements;
this.config['direction'] = direction;
this.config['use_delay'] = use_delay;

for (j = 0; j <= this.elements_count - 1; j++) {
is_flash = (preimages[j].substring(preimages[j].length, preimages[j].length - 3) == 'swf')? true : false;
if (is_flash == false) {
this.obj_image[j] = new Image();
this.obj_image[j].src = preimages[j];
} else {
this.obj_image[j] = false;


shift_left: function(deal_class)
deal_class.position = (deal_class.position == 0) ? deal_class.deal_items_count - this.elements_count : deal_class.position - this.elements_count;
deal_class.use_pagination(deal_class.position, 'left');

shift_right: function(deal_class)
deal_class.position = ((deal_class.position + this.elements_count) == deal_class.deal_items_count) ? 0 : deal_class.position + this.elements_count;
deal_class.use_pagination(deal_class.position, 'right');

truncate: function(str)
if (str) {
var len = 24;

if (str.length > len) {
str = str.substring(0, len);
str = str.replace(/\w+$/, '')+'...';
return str;

return '';

Thanks Hoko!

Is it possible to have 2 differents hot deals block? I mean 1 without prices and another with prices?
