Prices change using qty discounts

Hi everyone,

We have a problem with our prices using quantity discounts. We have this webshop were we sell birth cards. But when we add the prices (quantity discounts), the prices in the shop are always a lot cheaper. I assume there is an option somewhere you can tick off? But I can’t find it…

ex: (unit prince) admin

4 → € 2.50

8 → € 1.87

16 → € 1.25

32 → € 0.94

shop (unit price)

4 → € 1.95

8 → € 1.46

16 → € 0.98

32 → € 0.73


Check in your currencies that you have the correct defaulkt currency set to euro and the others are disabled.


Also check your promotions to ensure you don’t have something active you don’t expect.