Possible to replace "Search Results" title with the search term?

As title says I am wondering if the Search Results page could be modified to have the keyword you are searching for show up in the title other than just “Search results”. My other cart did this and I feel it may be of some SEO practicality.

No one? It seems this should be built into the cart (since my 8 year old shopping cart does this). From an SEO standpoint it seems kind of silly it doesn’t do it already.

Though I’m a coding “idiot”, I would think this could be done quite easily but I could be wrong.


I think all is possible! And i think the first priority for this shopping cart is first all fixing all bucks, with made a better seo ability and first then made further in addons and so on

Anyone figure out how to do this? Getting the search terms in the page title is the objective. I can't find where the advanced_searc variable is referenced in the templates.


I quick fix but not for long run( until next update :D ) is:

  1. if you use [color=#ff0000]products search[/color] on file skins/[SKIN_NAME]/customer/views/products/search.tpl

<br />
{capture name="mainbox_title"}<span class="float-right">{$title_extra}</span>{$_title}{/capture}<br />

```<br />
<br />
[color=#008000]with:[/color]<br />
<br />
{capture name="mainbox_title"}<span class="float-right">{$title_extra}</span>{$_title}: {$smarty.request.q}{/capture}<br />

```<br />
<br />
[color=#008000]if you wish only keyword:[/color]<br />
<br />
{capture name="mainbox_title"}<span class="float-right">{$title_extra}</span>{$smarty.request.q}{/capture}<br />

```<br />
<br />
2. if you use[color=#ff0000] general search[/color] you need to replace on file skins/[SKIN_NAME]/customer/views/search/results.tpl same as [1]<br />
<br />
PS:if you need i can create with my_changes for upcoming updates.<br />
<br />
I hope that helps,<br />
<br />
---<br />

I came up with a way to get the search terms in the page title.

In index.tpl drop this code in right after

{if $search && !$search.features_hash}

Then go into Languages and find advanced_search. Remove the text entry there and save. Now your search results page title will contain the keywords searched for. Great for SEO!