PLEASE HELP - Changing Checkout Steps

Calling all CSCart Pros!

I’ve been trying to a while now to change the single page checkout process.

I’d like Step 2 - Payment Method to be the second step.

And Step 3 - to appear only for credit card payment.

Is this possible?

If so can someone please help me?

(So far i’ve been able to hide step 2 and make step 3 appear but it doesn’t proceed)

Please Help!


Walk through the code, draw lots of diagrams, etc. There’s lots of dependencies between steps and what gets called next. Note that most of this is ajax so you can’t really see what’s happening, you have to figure it out from the state changes.

Any tips on the Ajax side of progressing the steps? I was able to remove step 2 but can’t get it to progress past step 3, as I think the Ajax steps do not progress…

Any help or insight into the Ajax steps?

how can i put one popup on click event of continue button. ?? that button is in third step of checkout's continue button.

how can i put one popup on click event of continue button. ?? that button is in third step of checkout's continue button.

Please check docs for pre/post AJAX-form submission events here: