PHP Error

New error in

PHP Warning:  gethostbyaddr() [<a href='function.gethostbyaddr'>function.gethostbyaddr</a>]: Address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in /data/m/i/ on line 206, referer: http://.......<br />
PHP Warning:  gethostbyaddr() [<a href='function.gethostbyaddr'>function.gethostbyaddr</a>]: Address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in /data/m/i/ on line 207, referer: http://.......
```<br />
Do you know what does it mean?

Yes, it means that a person is running an addon on their browser that wipes referer IP with trash data.

CS-Cart seems to have a bad implementation that blindly accepts a referer, the trash data does not check out, the format throws an error.

[quote name=‘TexasGuy’]Yes, it means that a person is running an addon on their browser that wipes referer IP with trash data.

CS-Cart seems to have a bad implementation that blindly accepts a referer, the trash data does not check out, the format throws an error.[/QUOTE]

Or it’s a hacker robot trying to be anonymous while they troll for vulnerabilities.

Would actually be best if the cart caught this behavior and issued an header"500: ‘Access denied’;);exit;