Phone number format!

Hello Alamar,

Sorry, your code doesn’t work for me…

Here is my code for French people:

var valid_chars='-/. +';

Because, a lot of people in European Francophone countries (France, Switzerland, Belgium) write phone numbers with dots or slash or spaces.

Dots in France:

Dots and slash in Belgium:


Spaces in Switzerland:

022 555 55 55

However, these characters “(” and “)” don’t work at all :frowning:

This is why I customized my language tag “error_validator_phone” to learn customers how to write their phone number:

[QUOTE][field] number is mandatory,

and must consist of at least 10 digits.

You can write your number like this:


555 555.55.55

55 55 55 55 55



Optionally preceded by your country code,

eg for Switzerland:

+41 055 555 55 55


Lee Li Pop