Paypal redirection problem

After the succesfull payment, paypal does not redirect buyer to my website automatically. And order notification email is not sent to buyer. if i change the order status, notification email is going. Is there anyone who knows the solutions of these problems. Thank you…

Set this up in your API area under your profile.

You need to define the return URL, whatever it is… (not infront of me).

Unfortunately - PayPal only supports one return URL, so you may need multiple accounts just to cater for various web sites.

Adding to this post / above…

It's such a joke how you can only have one return URL.

We've had issues in the past when Paypal closed other client accounts due to this. However in recent years (last 4-5) this hasn't posed to be an issue, however it would be better, and more efficient for reporting purposes if everything was in one location / account.

It's a pity…