Payment Processor Location - No "my_Changes"?


We are writing an additional payment processor for a client and the CS Cart documentation tells us to put the processor here:


Is this directory safe in the upgrade process? I am used to using the "my_changes" for the front end items, but this is for the back end.




Upgrade process doesn't override the whole directory, it overrides the individual files instead. For example, if you put file named "foobar.tpl" at the "design\backend\templates\views\payments\components\cc_processors" directory and the next release of CS-Cart will contain a file with the same name at the same directory, your file will be overwritten during the upgrade.

Since the 4.2.4 version, developing an additional payment processor using an add-on is supported.

This is the recommended method of adding a new payment processor.

Your templates should be placed at the "design/backend/templates/addons/$addon_name/views/payments/components/cc_processors" directory, where $addon_name should be replaced by the name of your add-on (you may use default "my_changes" add-on, or create another if you want).

We're sorry, but at the moment we don't have any detailed documentation of this method. The documentation will be written and published ASAP

For now, you may want to look at our "paypal" add-on as an example of adding payment processor using an add-on.

Also, I have attached a Zip-archive containing another example add-on.

Thank you!

I've created a task at our internal issue tracker, documentation will be published in a couple of weeks.

Thank you for your response Alexander, I have passed the link to this post to the programmer who's dealing with it, I will be back in touch if he has any more questions.



Do you have any documentation on the function calls used in your example?


fn_finish_payment($order_id, $pp_response);

fn_order_placement_routines('route', $order_id);
I don't seem to be able to find any documentation on your site for any of the functions called, or even a definition of the difference between the initial call to start a payment process or how to know when a return call is made from the processor, so I am struggling a little.
I have already read: and it doesn't appear to cover my queries.

Unfortunately, currently there is no documentation for that.


Apologies, that was from one of the programming team. Politeness doesn't seem to rank highly in his repertoire, I will speak to him.

I will be editing his post to be a bit more friendly.


We have just published an article about creating a payment processor via an add-on. The article is available here: I apologize that we were unable to do it sooner.