Order Summary - Mobile Checkout


At checkout on mobile responsive template, the order summary block is defaulted to collapsed.

Customers are complaining because they cant find the coupon code...

how do we change this to always be "open" at acheckout?


Try to add the following rule to the CSS section of the theme editor:

.ty-order-summary .ty-sidebox__body {
    display: block !important;

perfect! Thanks :)

You are welcome! :)


At checkout on mobile responsive template, the order summary block is defaulted to collapsed.

Customers are complaining because they cant find the coupon code...

how do we change this to always be "open" at acheckout?


BTW this was done intentionally, following guidelines to increase conversions.

It's a proofed fact the if customer sees Coupon code field he can try to search for a code in in the internet and in number of cases this customer abandon the cart.