Order Status Question

Can someone clarify this

Open, Failed makes cart empty and making Canceled puts stuff back to cart?

Please clarify your question. If you change order statuses from A to B and they have different values of the "Inventory" setting, amount in stock will be changed in this case

I think what he's referring to is when an order gets an initial 'Failed' status, the user's cart is not destroyed. But for other statuses it is.

The reason for this (IMHO) is that a failed status is usually the result of something the user entered improperly (I.e. card number) that they can correct or that they payment processor had a communication failure. The "response_text" usually contains the message from the payment provider and having the cart maintained will allow the user to edit and resubmit the order.

My answer is related with this behaviour. If inventory was decreased, the system clears cart. If inventory was not decreased, the user is redirected back to the checkout page and the cart is not cleared

Imagine if I am paying with paypal standard, I am redirected to paypal and I pay of card but its funds are insufficient. I close window and in admin open order is created. If admin changes status from open to canceled would this refill cart back ?

Imagine if I am paying with paypal standard, I am redirected to paypal and I pay of card but its funds are insufficient. I close window and in admin open order is created. If admin changes status from open to canceled would this refill cart back ?

No, since cart was completely cleared. Your customer can only go to the order details page and use the "Reorder this order" button

I see, this page is hardly found by anyone..

No, since cart was completely cleared. Your customer can only go to the order details page and use the "Reorder this order" button