Official: WEBO CS-Cart Site SpeedUp User Configuration & Testing thread

I do have pro version and it was working on 2.1.4 version and stopped working as soon as I upgrade to 2.2.1 version.

Webo tech support are looking into the problem at this point. I will keep you posted as soon as I get some news.

[quote name='miracles' timestamp='1311052687' post='117638']

You don't have a cs-cart pro ?

You can use the community version

Is this works on 2.1.4 pro version ?



I looked at your website, there was no clue of webo site speed, if you referring to Henry shop website.

I am sorry, I am using the software for a longtime and I notice no optimization on your codes at all.

Sorry about that.

[quote name='N1XUS' timestamp='1311054841' post='117639']

worked on my 2.2.1 version. Page speed shows 99 points!


[quote name='' timestamp='1311055830' post='117641']


I looked at your website, there was no clue of webo site speed, if you referring to Henry shop website.

I am sorry, I am using the software for a longtime and I notice no optimization on your codes at all.

Sorry about that.


my site is not only henryshop

I am sorry, now it's clear.

[quote name='N1XUS' timestamp='1311062764' post='117645']

my site is not only henryshop


I have been trying this out on my test site and having problems. It seems to break the ccs in the left column.

This is the first speed opt type of thing that I have tried. So good chance it is just me.

Test site is

I have it intest mode so thetest link would be

thanks for any help,

David DeWitt

webo 1.4.2 blocks some things in cs-cart 2.2.2 for example the fancybox for the products pictures, in the admin blocks the coments for post windows and the quick menu is not open, any help??

[quote name='charlygto' timestamp='1315515937' post='121277']

webo 1.4.2 blocks some things in cs-cart 2.2.2 for example the fancybox for the products pictures, in the admin blocks the coments for post windows and the quick menu is not open, any help??


You should send this to WEBO's support team if you want a fast response. I don't know how often they check this forum.

I’m hoping to get this resolved! It’s a nightmare not having lightbox working :(

Would love to enable data:URI but wondered if anyone knows what images to exclude as when enabling this it screws up my Top Menu buttons and Checkout and Update buttons on the Cart. Has anyone got data:URI working correctly on their Cart?


[quote name='AmitP' timestamp='1318846060' post='123870']

Would love to enable data:URI but wondered if anyone knows what images to exclude as when enabling this it screws up my Top Menu buttons and Checkout and Update buttons on the Cart. Has anyone got data:URI working correctly on their Cart?



I installed the Free edition on CS Cart Pro 2.2.3 and once enabled, a custom block of products on the homepage stopped generating. I then went to Administration>Addons and found I could no longer change ANY addon status, all I could do was Uninstall, so I went ahead and uninstalled the Webo addon. I can now Disable/Enable any addon as before.

The custom block then reappeared after refreshing the cache, but now my page load times which I had got down to around 3.1 seconds (by applying various fixes) is now sitting around 11-12 seconds, but my Google Page Speed and YSlow ratings remain the same. I've cleared out /var/cache/ and checked the .htaccess which is the same as before I installed Webo.

Has anyone else come across this and, if so, how did you resolve it?


I have found that WEBO is not an easy plug and play solution and involves time to enable and disable options and to get the right solution that doesn't break CS-CART! I find too though that after enabling WEBO and if you have enabled some caching options then it does take Page Speed and YSlow to give accurate readings whilst the cache is being built up.


It's an old thread and so much time passed over the last post.If people using WEBO can share their past experiences and the problems faced,we would be glad.Very welcome to hear about the good results as well.

Also, Do anyone have last pre-configured mod file for WEBO which won't create any issue on the website.The last verified configuration file was the one quoted below.


WEBO Site SpeedUp Configuration ######


Configuration title

$compress_options['title'] = “Safe configuration”;

Configuration description

$compress_options['description'] = “Carefully tested configuration which provides significant speedup for your website and don/'t harms it anyway.”;

Active configuration

$compress_options['config'] = “user”;

Add JS loader for all widgets on onload event

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['on'] = “0”;

Add merged script right before

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['body'] = “1”;

Put all scripts right before

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['all'] = “1”;

Put all known JS informers right before

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['informers'] = “1”;

Put all known JS counters right before

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['counters'] = “1”;

Put all known advertisement blocks right before

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['ads'] = “1”;

Load all iframes near

$compress_options['unobtrusive']['iframes'] = “1”;

Merge external JavaScript files

$compress_options['external_scripts']['on'] = “1”;

Merge inline scripts in head

$compress_options['external_scripts']['inline'] = “1”;

Move merged scripts to

$compress_options['external_scripts']['head_end'] = “1”;

Merge external CSS files

$compress_options['external_scripts']['css'] = “1”;

Merge inline styles in head

$compress_options['external_scripts']['css_inline'] = “1”;

Ignore list, files separated by space

$compress_options['external_scripts']['ignore_list'] = “joomla.javascript.js topsy.js wpsf-js.php tiny_mce.js tiny_mce_src.js tiny_init.js tiny_mce_gzip.php fckeditor.js”;

Ignore list, CSS files separated by space

$compress_options['external_scripts']['additional_list'] = “”;

Include CSS code to all generated files

$compress_options['external_scripts']['include_code'] = “”;

Include try-catch construction to merged JS file

$compress_options['external_scripts']['include_try'] = “0”;

Remove duplicates of common libraries

$compress_options['external_scripts']['duplicates'] = “0”;

Exclude the following scripts from minify

$compress_options['external_scripts']['minify_exclude'] = “”;

Performance options, don't check files mtime

$compress_options['performance']['mtime'] = “1”;

Don't use RegExp everywhere where it's possible

$compress_options['performance']['plain_string'] = “1”;

Cache version, ignore cache integrity, no I/O overhead

$compress_options['performance']['cache_version'] = “0”;

Uniform cache files through all browsers

$compress_options['performance']['uniform_cache'] = “0”;

Restore missed CSS properties

$compress_options['performance']['restore_properties'] = “1”;

Days to delete old files from cache, 0 disables logic

$compress_options['performance']['delete_old'] = “0”;

Minify options, JS

$compress_options['minify']['javascript'] = “1”;

Minify JS inside tag. Please be carefull

$compress_options['minify']['javascript_body'] = “0”;

Minify JS with JSMin from Douglas Crockford

$compress_options['minify']['with_jsmin'] = “0”;

Minify JS with Dean Edwards Packer

$compress_options['minify']['with_packer'] = “0”;

Minify JS with YUI Compressor (requires java installed)

$compress_options['minify']['with_yui'] = “1”;

Minify CSS

$compress_options['minify']['css'] = “1”;

Minify CSS inside tag

$compress_options['minify']['css_body'] = “1”;

Remove whitespaces

$compress_options['minify']['page'] = “1”;

Remove comments from HTML. Some JS counters can be broken

$compress_options['minify']['html_comments'] = “1”;

Shrink HTML code to 1 string, CPU intensive

$compress_options['minify']['html_one_string'] = “1”;

CSS file name (only if 1 CSS set for website is used)

$compress_options['minify']['css_file'] = “”;

JS file name (only if 1 JS set for website is used)

$compress_options['minify']['javascript_file'] = “”;

CSS file host (both for CDN and merged file)

$compress_options['minify']['css_host'] = “”;

JavaScript file host (both for CDN and merged file)

$compress_options['minify']['javascript_host'] = “”;

Gzip options

$compress_options['gzip']['javascript'] = “1”;

$compress_options['gzip']['page'] = “0”;

$compress_options['gzip']['css'] = “1”;

Gzip font files (SVG, TTF, OTF, etc)

$compress_options['gzip']['fonts'] = “1”;

Check for gzip possibility via cookie

$compress_options['gzip']['cookie'] = “1”;

Exclude IE6/7 from gzip logic

$compress_options['gzip']['noie'] = “1”;

Compression levels for JS/HTML/CSS files, work only in PHP

$compress_options['gzip']['javascript_level'] = “9”;

$compress_options['gzip']['page_level'] = “9”;

$compress_options['gzip']['css_level'] = “9”;

$compress_options['gzip']['fonts_level'] = “9”;


$compress_options['far_future_expires']['javascript'] = “1”;

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['css'] = “1”;

Cache static assets via .htaccess or PHP proxy

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['images'] = “1”;

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['fonts'] = “1”;

Cache static assets (flash, video, etc) – only via .htaccess

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['video'] = “1”;

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['static'] = “1”;

Send cache headers for HTML files?

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['html'] = “1”;

Default timeout of client side HTML files caching, in seconds

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['html_timeout'] = “60”;

Add caching for external files

$compress_options['far_future_expires']['external'] = “1”;

Cache generated HTML files

$compress_options['html_cache']['enabled'] = “1”;

Cache timeout for generated HTML files, in seconds

$compress_options['html_cache']['timeout'] = “3600”;

Flush head section with first N bytes of body?

$compress_options['html_cache']['flush_only'] = “0”;

Flush size of HTML body

$compress_options['html_cache']['flush_size'] = “1024”;

Parts of ignore URL for HTML cache, separated by space

$compress_options['html_cache']['ignore_list'] = “”;

Parts of user agents to output cached HTML, separated by space

$compress_options['html_cache']['allowed_list'] = “office data msfrontpage yahoo googlebot yandex yadirect dyatel msnbot twiceler”;

Cookies to skip HTML caching

$compress_options['html_cache']['additional_list'] = “”;

On or off

$compress_options['active'] = “0”;

Display a link back to Web Optimizer

$compress_options['footer']['text'] = “0”;

Image path for Web Optimizer, empty for text link

$compress_options['footer']['image'] = “web.optimizer.stamp.png”;

Text for a text link

$compress_options['footer']['link'] = “Accelerated with WEBO Site SpeedUp”;

CSS styles to place Web Optimizer stamp

$compress_options['footer']['css_code'] = “float:right;margin:-104px 4px -100px”;

Add a spot to : lang=“wo” or xml:lang=“wo”

$compress_options['footer']['spot'] = “1”;

Should Web Optimizer use data URIs for background images?

$compress_options['data_uris']['on'] = “1”;

Should Web Optimizer separate CSS for rules and images?

$compress_options['data_uris']['separate'] = “1”;

Should Web Optimizer load resource CSS on DOMloaded event?

$compress_options['data_uris']['domloaded'] = “1”;

Maximum size of images to be converted, in bytes

$compress_options['data_uris']['size'] = “24576”;

data:URI ignore list, files separated by space, i.e. head.jpg

$compress_options['data_uris']['ignore_list'] = “”;

Should Web Optimizer use mhtml for background images?

$compress_options['data_uris']['mhtml'] = “1”;

Maximum size of images to be converted into mhtml, in bytes

$compress_options['data_uris']['mhtml_size'] = “51200”;

mhtml ignore list, files separated by space, i.e. head.jpg

$compress_options['data_uris']['additional_list'] = “”;

Should Web Optimizer use CSS Sprites for background images?

$compress_options['css_sprites']['enabled'] = “1”;

Save 24bit images in JPEG not PNG

$compress_options['css_sprites']['truecolor_in_jpeg'] = “0”;

Ignore no dimensions for repeat-x / repeat-y Sprites

$compress_options['css_sprites']['aggressive'] = “0”;

Add additional 5px around images to CSS Sprites

$compress_options['css_sprites']['extra_space'] = “1”;

Exclude IE6 from CSS Sprites creation

$compress_options['css_sprites']['no_ie6'] = “1”;

Restrict large Sprites creation on GDlib failure, in pixels

$compress_options['css_sprites']['dimensions_limited'] = “900”;

CSS Sprites ignore list, files separated by space, i.e. head.jpg

$compress_options['css_sprites']['ignore_list'] = “corners.gif”;

Combine small HTML images to sprites?

$compress_options['css_sprites']['html_sprites'] = “0”;

Restrict large HTML images from merging

$compress_options['css_sprites']['html_limit'] = “200”;

Restrict HTML Sprites to the curent page only?

$compress_options['css_sprites']['html_page'] = “1”;

Parallel downloads

$compress_options['parallel']['enabled'] = “1”;

Check hosts availability or not?

$compress_options['parallel']['check'] = “1”;

Use CSS host for all CSS files?

$compress_options['parallel']['css'] = “0”;

Use JavaScript host for all CSS files?

$compress_options['parallel']['javascript'] = “0”;

List of hosts for parallel downloads, i.e. img i1 i2

$compress_options['parallel']['allowed_list'] = “”;

List of websites (saellites) to distribute through them,


$compress_options['parallel']['additional'] = “”;

List of satellites' hosts, i.e. i1 i2 i3

$compress_options['parallel']['additional_list'] = “”;

Lisf of ignored images, separated by space, i.e. xxc.php

$compress_options['parallel']['ignore_list'] = “”;

Custom CDN usage, 0 - defailt, 1 -, 2 - Coral CDN, 3 - WEBO CDN

$compress_options['parallel']['custom'] = “0”;

FTP creadentials to upload new files to CDN

$compress_options['parallel']['ftp'] = “”;

SSL secure host to use for all CDN assets

$compress_options['parallel']['https'] = “”;

Should be gzip / cache settings written via .htaccess?

$compress_options['htaccess']['enabled'] = “1”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_deflate'] = “0”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_gzip'] = “0”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_expires'] = “1”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_headers'] = “1”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_setenvif'] = “1”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_rewrite'] = “1”;

$compress_options['htaccess']['mod_mime'] = “1”;

Use local directory with installed website

$compress_options['htaccess']['local'] = “1”;

