No thumbnails after reinstall

I recently switched from the trial version to the Pro (2.2.4).

I basically started over form scratch with the newest version which created a new database and file structure.

I imported back all my items - no problem there.

I moved my modified skin template back in place. no problem there.

My problem is that my sub-categroy thumbnails are not showing on the sub-cat landing pages.

Take a look at this page:

Notice there are two sub categories with “no image” placeholders. Click one of the sub-categories and you will see that I do have an image for both of those sub-categories.

I can't figure out why they are not showing. I uploaded new photos directly to the sub-cats inside the admin. The images show in the admin but not on the live site.


Hi - did you figure out a solution for your problem where the category images were not showing? I'm having the same problem. Thank you!

Hi, I am also having the same problem that you are. The additional thumbnails are not showing at all even though they are uploaded in the additional images section. I have looked through the forums and came up empty handed. Were you able to solve the problem that you had? Any help would be appreciated!