News Page Show Preview With A Read More Link

I have a few news articles that I want displayed on a page with a read more link to read the full article.

In the admin area I've ticked “Show on seperate page” which gives me the “read more” link but only displays the News Title.

I would like it to show either the first paragraph or a specific number of word/characters.

Any assistance would be great thanks!

I would like this mod too. To show a specific number of characters before the read more link

[quote name='dataspotgr' timestamp='1412677585' post='193504']

I would like this mod too. To show a specific number of characters before the read more link


Please try to open the design/themes/THEME/templates/addons/news_and_emails/views/news/list.tpl file and replace:



{$n.description|strip_tags|truncate:160 nofilter} {__("more_w_ellipsis")}

where 160 - is the required number of characters

thank you very much! works like a charm!

[quote name='dataspotgr' timestamp='1413539298' post='194428']

thank you very much! works like a charm!


You are welcome!