NEW! Product icon?

Is there an icon or text string you can display when a product is new or new release etc? Seems like a no brainer for the cart but I haven’t seen the option???

Not available.

Check Snorocket’s forum for how to add a new product details field.

Then wrap it around an ‘if statement’

ie if current date =< 30 days then display

[quote name=‘JesseLeeStringer’]Not available.

Check Snorocket’s forum for how to add a new product details field.

Then wrap it around an ‘if statement’

ie if current date =< 30 days then display[/QUOTE]

Ok, thank you.

[quote name=‘jhagg’]Ok, thank you.[/QUOTE]

It appears that will do it in a round about way, I hope CS-Cart implements this feature with an elegant icon etc…this is really a pretty standard need for any shopping cart.

Would this still work


for example something like this



$new_period = 2;

$prod = $this->get_template_vars(‘product’);

$dbd = max(0,date(‘U’) - db_get_field('SELECT timestamp FROM cscart_products WHERE product_id = ’ . $prod[‘product_id’] . ‘;’)) / 86400;

if($new_period >= $dbd) {


} else {




{if $new == “Y”}




That thread is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for but I read thru the thread and it looks like it wasn’t working any longer for cart versions 2.X

Daris, is there also way to make Free shipping image or text on modified skin ?