Need Stock Quantity Availability Field For Add Products In Orders

But I don't see any changes

{if $hide_amount}
{$product.product nofilter}

{$product.product nofilter} ({$product.amount} {__('in_stock')})


I believe the suggestion is that you modify the php code that assigns a value to the 'text' property versus modifying the template code.

I believe the suggestion is that you modify the php code that assigns a value to the 'text' property versus modifying the template code.

In this file,
I didn't find the phrase 'text' => $products_list ['product'] to replace

Suggest you just search for 'text'.

$objects = array_values(array_map(function ($product) use ($formatter, $image_width, $image_height) {
        return [
            'id'              => $product['product_id'],
            'text'            => $product['product'],
            'price'           => $product['price'],
            'code'            => $product['product_code'],
            'data'            => [
                'product_id'      => $product['product_id'],
                'product'         => $product['product'],
                'price'           => $product['price'],
                'price_formatted' => $formatter->asPrice($product['price']),
                'product_code'    => $product['product_code'],
                'image_width'     => $image_width,
                'image_height'    => $image_height,
                'image'           => empty($product['main_pair']) ? array() : fn_image_to_display($product['main_pair'], $image_width, $image_height),
                'url'             => fn_url('products.update?product_id=' . $product['product_id'])
    }, $products));