My Changes Help

Ok so I am trying not to touch any files this time, but instead of use my changes addon.

I want to change


{hook name="checkout:dropdown_title"}
{if $smarty.session.cart.amount}

{$smarty.session.cart.amount} {__("items")} {__("for")} {include file="common/price.tpl" value=$smarty.session.cart.display_subtotal}




What I do is make a copy of cart_content.tpl file in

templates / addons / my_changes / blocks / cart_content.tpl

Remove {__("items")} from this file but in front end this text still remains there?

Should I override just particular hook ?

Hi there,

Yes you just need to override hook. checkout:dropdown_title

Goto and create following dir and file:

templates / addons / my_changes / hooks / checkout / dropdown_title.override.tpl

After this write your code in dropdown_title.override.tpl

                {if $smarty.session.cart.amount}
                    {$smarty.session.cart.amount}  {__("for")} {include file="common/price.tpl" value=$smarty.session.cart.display_subtotal}



This has worked perfect! Thanks

This has worked perfect! Thanks

Thanks!! :mrgreen:


What would be a proper way to have additional products_multicolumns.tpl file for example
products_multicolumns2.tpl in

responsive / templates / blocks / products / products_multicolumns.tpl

only change I would do there show_name=true to show_name=false

I'd like to have some (not all) blocks without title...

Add copy of file products_multicolumns.tpl here:


Clear cache. The new template will be added to the following sections:

Settings -> Appearance -> Available product list views

Settings -> Appearance -> Product list default view