My Account Edit

I would like to edit the "My Account" at the top right of the page and not have the Comparison link. Is there a way to shut that off?


remove the following lines:

{assign var="compared_products" value=""|fn_get_comparison_products}
  • {__("view_comparison_list")}{if $compared_products} ({$compared_products|count}){/if}
  • Then clear the cache and check the result

    A follow-up question .

    How do I only show the "My Account" block only if I am logged in.

    No need if not logged in...Thanks chris

    You can try our additional block settings module

    I removed the code and it is still there. I cleared my cache.

    Make sure that you used the correct theme. Also try to remove the var/cache directory from the control panel of your server manually.