My_Account Dropdown Menu And Popup

Hello. I have this my_account.tpl file:

{** block-description:my_account **}
{capture name="title"}
{assign var="return_current_url" value=$config.current_url|escape:url}
    {hook name="profiles:my_account_menu"}
    {if $auth.user_id}
    {if $user_info.firstname || $user_info.lastname}
  • {$user_info.firstname} {$user_info.lastname}
  • {else}
    {if $settings.General.use_email_as_login == 'Y'}
  • {$}
  • {else}
  • {$user_info.user_login}
  • {/if}
    {elseif $user_data.firstname || $user_data.lastname}
  • {$user_data.firstname} {$user_data.lastname}
  • {elseif $settings.General.use_email_as_login == 'Y' && $}
  • {$}
  • {elseif $settings.General.use_email_as_login != 'Y' && $user_data.user_login}
  • {$user_data.user_login}
  • {/if}
    {assign var="compared_products" value=""|fn_get_comparison_products}
    {if "MULTIVENDOR"|fn_allowed_for && $settings.Vendors.apply_for_vendor == "Y" && !$user_info.company_id}
    {if $settings.Appearance.display_track_orders == 'Y'}
    {include file="buttons/go.tpl" but_name="orders.track_request" alt=__("go")}
    {include file="common/image_verification.tpl" option="use_for_track_orders" align="left" sidebox=true}
    {if $auth.user_id}
    {if $settings.Security.secure_auth != "Y"}
    {include file="views/auth/login_form.tpl" style="popup" id="popup`$block.snapping_id`"}

    What I want is when the user presses the sign in button, to show him another form in popup mode..

    How can this be accoplished?

    What I want is when the user presses the sign in button, to show him another form in popup mode..

    How can this be accoplished?

    Popup form is included with the following code:

    {include file="views/auth/login_form.tpl" style="popup" id="popup`$block.snapping_id`"}

    Full path is


    You can copy this file and use it instead of default one

    What I want is when the user press login in this form, to show immediately another popup form, not to change the existing one..

    What I want is when the user press login in this form, to show immediately another popup form, not to change the existing one..

    Popup in popup?

    Yes, something like this.

    Yes, something like this.

    Is this possible?

    To give an explanation, I want the first popup to close and another to show up.


    To give an explanation, I want the first popup to close and another to show up.


    This feature is possible, but it requires quite complex code changes.

    This feature is possible, but it requires quite complex code changes.

    I have quite managed this but look. What I managed was to show the first form in a popup, which is easy, and when the button is pressed, to show another popup but without closing the first one. It is not being centered.. I tried the "cm-dialog-closer" but when I used this, every popup closed.

    I have quite managed this but look. What I managed was to show the first form in a popup, which is easy, and when the button is pressed, to show another popup but without closing the first one. It is not being centered.. I tried the "cm-dialog-closer" but when I used this, every popup closed.

    Sorry, it is hard for me to answer anything without detailed code examination.

    I understan this. As soon as I can, I will give code examples. Thanks for the quick answer though :)

    And btw!

    Merry Christmas and with lots of wishes :)

    Happy Christmas to you too!

    I edited the my_account.tpl and the first popup is this:

    {if $auth.user_id} {__("sign_out")} {else} {__("sign_in")}{__("register")} {if $settings.Security.secure_auth != "Y"}
    {include file="addons/my_changes/views/my_changes/my_info.tpl" style="popup" id="popup`$block.snapping_id`"}
    {/if} {/if}

    and my_info.tpl :


    {hook name=“index:login_buttons”}

    {/if} rel="nofollow">{__("continue")} {if $settings.Security.secure_auth != "Y"}
    {include file="addons/my_changes/views/my_changes/my_pass.tpl" style="popup" id="popup`$block1.snapping_id`"}

    This way, the first form shows up fine, centered and beautiful but when I click the continue button, a popup appears in front of the other and positioned a little down and right from the first one.