MOD: Form Image Verification (CAPTCHA)

Correct me if i am wrong, but does CS-cart not have a ‘captcha’ as standard ?

[quote name=‘Demon Templates’]Correct me if i am wrong, but does CS-cart not have a ‘captcha’ as standard ?[/quote]

No it doesn’t

Then i stand corrected.

I found this mod quite useful, but on one online store I also had problem on automatic subscriptions. So I extended the mod for the registration page. Attached is the modified captcha.tpl file. The only thing that needs to be changed (after uploading the new file) is on file:


around line 49

you replace

{include file=“buttons/register_profile.tpl” but_onclick=“javascript:if (fn_check_fields(‘profileform’, ext_ids)) document.profileform.submit();”}


{include file=“forms_pages/captcha.tpl”}


abinop, MANY thanks for this update. Since few days our store was getting tons of new automated subscriptions with URLs instead of customer information…

Thank you.

I am glad my solution helped you. I hope to come with more contributions in the near future…


One last post, the file now includes support for captcha for the reviews form (if enabled) for each product. Use the attached file and just replace on /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/addons/discussion/dscussion.tpl (around line 90)


{include file=“buttons/button.tpl” but_text=$lang.submit but_onclick=“javascript: document.add_post_form.submit();”}



```php {include file="forms_pages/captcha.tpl"} ```

This was also asked from a client of mine so I thought to share it as well


Thanks a million!!! Works perfectly and easy to install. I wish I knew how to program so I could give back to the forum as much as I receive.

Great mod, thanks. Has anyone been able to get it to work with Send to Friend as well?

[quote name=‘abinop’]One last post, the file now includes support for captcha for the reviews form (if enabled) for each product. Use the attached file and just replace on /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/addons/discussion/dscussion.tpl (around line 90)


{include file=“buttons/button.tpl” but_text=$lang.submit but_onclick=“javascript: document.add_post_form.submit();”}



```php {include file="forms_pages/captcha.tpl"} ```

This was also asked from a client of mine so I thought to share it as well


Abinop... the captcha coe is well aligned in cotact us & discussion page but in reister form as all the information to be filled is in the center of the page...the capta nd register button is misalligned and don't look at all good.

you can view at the website and suggest.

[quote name=‘smavtron’]Abinop… the captcha coe is well aligned in cotact us & discussion page but in reister form as all the information to be filled is in the center of the page…the capta nd register button is misalligned and don’t look at all good.

you can view at the website and suggest.[/QUOTE]

Attached is the file that should replace existing one on /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/forms_pages/captcha.tpl and that displays the captcha nicer.



I want to install this, as it looks excellent! But there are lots of files, in lots of posts within this thread. What’s the best way to install it, right now, including the reviews and subscriptions. - Everything :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!!

Sweet hack I was getting 100’s of spam just in the reviews that was starting to suck.

BTW does any one know how you can send it 2 emails or more from “Modules” “discussions” “Send notifications to this E-mail” I tried; also with a space an , any ideas other then doing it on the server?

Thanks for this mod, but i have a problem…

I have two forms on my website. This captcha mod only appears on one of them. Why would this be??

The “Contact us” form works great, but the “Suggest a product” form is spammed to hell and back!

Unfortunatelty, I have to report this mod has not reduced the number of discussion spams I get. :frowning:

Maybe a server based mod would be better.

[QUOTE]This was also asked from a client of mine so I thought to share it as well. Alexandros[/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing this.

Question… I installed this and for some reason on my product review section, I’m seeing a broken image in place of the CAPTCHA. Do I need to upload something else?

alexandro i tried to download the file but im getting a corrupted file :shock:



Hi chahinemm

1.3.5 beta is just released with this incorperated into it.

i seee… thnx…



I just upgraded to 1.3.5 sp1 from 1.3.4 and the captcha isn’t working, I just get a broken image inside the box.

searched up and down and can’t figure out why. Also used a background image and that doesn’t show either???

Anyone else have the same problem.