Member Since Date On Vendor Page


Is it possible to show: Member since: DATE on vendor's page?



Try to add (or use hook)

{$company_data = $company_id|fn_get_company_data}
{__('member_since')}: {$company_data.timestamp|date_format:"$settings.Appearance.date_format"}

(!) Not tested


Try to add (or use hook)

{$company_data = $company_id|fn_get_company_data}
{__('member_since')}: {$company_data.timestamp|date_format:"$settings.Appearance.date_format"}

(!) Not tested

Is this correct path? I am thinking to add somewhere bellow vendor logo or description, ect.

Do you mean vendor details page or vendor microstore?

Please also try


Do you mean vendor details page or vendor microstore?

Please also try


Sorry, I meant on vendor microstore under logo or under name, ect.

Sorry, I meant on vendor microstore under logo or under name, ect.

Right, the mentioned file is used to display store and vendor logo

Right, the mentioned file is used to display store and vendor logo

Doesn't work for me. :(

Try to following file



Try to add (or use hook)

{$company_data = $company_id|fn_get_company_data}
{__('member_since')}: {$company_data.timestamp|date_format:"$settings.Appearance.date_format"}

(!) Not tested

Louis from CsCartRocks helped me with code implement as I am using his addon Vendor Page Pro.

The code added and works :

{__('member_since')}: {$company_data.timestamp|date_format:"`$settings.Appearance.date_format`"}

Thank you all for help.