Manufacturer Link On Product Details Page

Thank you.
Tried that too, did not work. Placed a backup from 2 days ago back and tried it again.

Now it links to a 404 page with the link:

No variant id is defined.
I still think the href is incorrect?

Please replace



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Thank you! This works.
Beside clearing the cache, I had to clear the cache manually in var/cache/

For the next person with the same issue:

Thanks again!

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I don’t get this working :confused:

My brand - information on my product details page is never a url.
Is this because of my template from @energothemes ?

I have the following code in product_features_short_list.tpl:

{function name="feature_value"}
		{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}
			<a href="{"categories.view?category_id=`$product.main_category`"|fn_url}">
        {if $feature.prefix}<span class="ty-features-list__item-prefix">{$feature.prefix}</span>{/if}
		{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::DATE"|enum}
		{elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::MULTIPLE_CHECKBOX"|enum}
			{foreach from=$feature.variants item="fvariant" name="ffev"}
				{$fvariant.variant|default:$fvariant.value}{if !$smarty.foreach.ffev.last}, {/if}
		{elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::TEXT_SELECTBOX"|enum || $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::NUMBER_SELECTBOX"|enum || $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}
		{elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::SINGLE_CHECKBOX"|enum}
		{elseif $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::NUMBER_FIELD"|enum}
        {if $feature.suffix}<span class="ty-features-list__item-suffix">{$feature.suffix}</span>{/if}
		{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}

Can anybody helm me please?
I want to link to the brand information.

Like from to Produkte von Astronergy auf SHOMUGO online kaufen

Best regards

It is required to examine the issue. Possibly, 3rd party theme uses own template to display product features

Nope. It was a coding error. I changed

{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}
	<a href="{"categories.view?category_id=`$product.main_category`"|fn_url}">


{if $feature.feature_type == "ProductFeatures::EXTENDED"|enum}
	<a href="{"product_features.view?variant_id=`$feature.variant_id`"|fn_url}">

and it worked :slightly_smiling_face: