Make Rate Areas Independent For Each Vendor (Multivendor)

Hi there,
I have a query regarding rate areas for the multivendor version (4.11)
I really don't like the interdependency between rate areas for vendors. Basically (and correct me if I'm wrong) if I create for instance 4 rate areas - let's say EU, North America, UK and Middle East - those rate areas will be displayed at all vendors who will need to adapt their shipping cost based on those areas. My problem is two vendors might not include the same countries in the same rate area. Let's take the "EU" rate area for instance :
- for Vendor A : EU rate area might include all EU countries but Finland and Germany (countries for which Vendor A offers different shipping costs). Vendor A will therefore add a rate area named "Finland & Germany" which will only include those two countries.
- for Vendor B : EU rate area might include all EU countries but France. Vendor B will therefore add a rate area named "France" which will only include that country.
- Vendor C does not even need any of all those rate areas cited above as he only ship to South America countries and therefore will create a rate area that includes all south american countries.
My problem is that every time a vendor will create a rate area, the other vendors will have to edit it as well to avoid any problem at checkout (when displaying shipping cost).
When a new vendor come onto the website, He will need to work on all those previous rate areas that are somehow imposed on him/her before creating his own rate areas if needed.
I hope you get the picture.
I'd like each vendor to be able to create independent rate areas. Vendor A should only see HIS/HER created rate areas and not those of Vendor B or C or any other vendors. Once someone becomes a vendor, the rate area section in his vendor's admin panel should be empty.
Do you think it is feasible.
Thanks in advance for reading this and for your responses.
Best regards,

Quite complex changes are required to develop such a feature. Hire someone to create this modification for your marketplace

Quite complex changes are required to develop such a feature. Hire someone to create this modification for your marketplace


Thanks for your response. Yes I know this will require quite some customization. I wanted to check if someone actually knew how to do it?