Login Button Redirects To Login Page Not Popup

Hello everyone.

I want the login button under "My account" block to redirect me to the login page and not to open as a popup box.

The login page is this:


How can this be done?

Thank you very much in advance.

If you turn on ssl for login page, it will act like that.

I tried that and even after I clear the cache the popup box still shows up.


Try to replace:

{if $settings.Security.secure_storefront != "partial"} data-ca-target-id="login_block{$block.snapping_id}" class="cm-dialog-opener cm-dialog-auto-size ty-btn ty-btn__secondary"{else} class="ty-btn ty-btn__primary"{/if}


 class="ty-btn ty-btn__primary"

Then clear cache and check


Try to replace:

{if $settings.Security.secure_storefront != "partial"} data-ca-target-id="login_block{$block.snapping_id}" class="cm-dialog-opener cm-dialog-auto-size ty-btn ty-btn__secondary"{else} class="ty-btn ty-btn__primary"{/if}


 class="ty-btn ty-btn__primary"

Then clear cache and check

I will try it. Thank you