Loading problem

Our cart has been working happliy for over a year now, with minimal problems. Yesterday it decided to play up bigtime. We started to lose the side panels on some product pages. Sometimes just the right side and sometimes with some of the left panels missing. We discovered that the amount of panel/s missing is directly related to the number of products on the page. More products = Less side panels. Our products per page was always set at 30 and we have never had a problem with it. Now the only way to keep things working is to set the products per page to no more than 10. Any ideas please?

PS. Our server (CyberLNC) has said it not a problem on their side and suggested we reload the skin. This we have done but it’s still not working.

Cheers Roger

Well if Scott doesn’t see any problems on the server side and/or has not updated mysql or php and you haven’t made any modifications to any files, then I would have to say some files mysteriously became corrupt.?

Have you optimized/repaired the database?

If you have a backup up of the file system, then I would have to say reupload the entire thing.

Ok, will try that.

We did have a recent problem with the server, lost all emailing

Quote from CyberLNC 4/12/08

“We are looking into this issue Jean. We recently had an server wide audit conducted and I think a few of the changes that where made broke some of the CS-Cart functionality.

We are working to resolve this and some other issues now.
