Limit for items in top menu?

Hi, is there a limit for items in a top menu? I cannot add anymore after adding 10.

Hello Gidarren,

This problem seems to be a bug in the current CS-Cart installation. To fix it, replace this part of the code:

if (!empty($params['multi_level'])) {
$delete_keys = array();

foreach ($s_data as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v['parent_id'])) {
if (!empty($s_data[$v['parent_id']])) {
$s_data[$v['parent_id']]['subitems'][$v['param_id']] = $v;
$s_data[$k] = & $s_data[$v['parent_id']]['subitems'][$v['param_id']];
$delete_keys[] = $k;

foreach ($delete_keys as $k) {

with this one:

if (!empty($params['multi_level']) && !empty($params['get_params'])) {
$s_data = fn_make_tree($s_data, 0, 'param_id', 'subitems');

and this part of the code:



with this one:


function fn_make_tree($tree, $parent_id, $key, $parent_key)
$res = array();
foreach ($tree as $id => $row)
if ($row['parent_id'] == $parent_id)
$res[$id] = $row;
$res[$id][$parent_key] = fn_make_tree($tree, $row[$key], $key, $parent_key);
return $res;

in the “fn.common.php” file located in the “core” directory of your CS-Cart installation.

Hi, thanks that cleared it up.

Thank you.

I'm having same issue in cs-cart ver 4.0.1 multivendor.

So the code to be replaced is different than posted here in post #2, so please guide me how to resolve the issue.
