Issue With Drop Down Menu Obscuring Search Field. Any Ideas?

Hello All

I just spotted an issue with the mobile version of our website:

The main menu covers our global search field even when not being displayed, with the effect that mobile users cannot use global search.

I have fixed global search by using z-index to put it on top of the menu.

A far from ideal fix but the element that is now hidden has been added to a menu at the very top of the website. I thought this was better than having users coming to the site and finding a site with a non-working search field.

I have had the item that as well as switching from "display: none" to "display: list-item" i could set the onClick to change the size of the element so that when it is not visible it doesn't cover the search box any more, I could then remove the z-index from search so that it doesn't cover the menu any more.

The problem is I have no idea what file controls the switch from "display: none" to "display: list-item" for the menu - I have spent nearly 2 hours looking now.

Does anyone know what file I should be looking at?

Or does anyone else have a better solution.

Please look at the website as it may show what I am talking about better than this rambling post (please remember I have used z-index to temporarily put the search field over the menu but you should be able to see from the layout what the original issue was).

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Sorry paragraph 5 should read:

I have had the idea that as well as switching from "display: none" to "display: list-item" i could set the onClick to change the size of the element so that when it is not visible it doesn't cover the search box any more, I could then remove the z-index from search so that it doesn't cover the menu any more.