Issue Installing 4.3.4

I am having an issue installing 4.3.4 on a new store I am creating. I've uploaded the software twice now and followed the change permissions steps. However when I start the install I check the box and click the button to accept the license agreement but after that I just get a blank white page with the URL http://"domain"/install/index.php. I am at an utter loss as to what the issue is and would greatly appreciate any pointers. I had no such problem when I installed 4.3.3 on the last store I built and would gladly just install 4.3.3 if I could find where to download it. My first choice though is to get 4.3.4 up and running.


Try to set 755 permissions on the install directory and its content

Also, check the PHP error_log for the site. You may be encountering other issues you are not aware of.

Changing the perms for /install didn't help any, but I am continuing to investigate.

Three fresh starts....even redownloaded the software and I still get the dang white screen. Log files aren't much help either. Is it possible that having two instances of cscart running on the same server but different domains is the problem? Other than that I am truly at a loss.

Three fresh starts....even redownloaded the software and I still get the dang white screen. Log files aren't much help either. Is it possible that having two instances of cscart running on the same server but different domains is the problem? Other than that I am truly at a loss.

I have two carts running on one server with different domains, and no problem. However, have you tried installing with a different browser? Just a thought. Otherwise, you may want to contact cs cart support unless somebody else has any good ideas.

A white screen is the result of a fatal error. Info should be in php error_log file unless you have error_reporting(0)

Please PM me temporary FTP access so that we can examine the issue

PM sent...thanks.