Is there a market for premium responsive cs cart templates?


Just wondering whether there is a interest in premium responsive cs cart templates which are design in Australia. This would not be the usual skinning where a couple of images are replaced but a proper design and implementation of most pages in a responsive way so it will work as well on mobile devices.

They would contain our cart tab, scrolling testimonials and most aspects could be modified via blocks.

We would be interested to hear what people would be willing to pay and what they would expect. Like with any custom template even though we would implement all hooks you could not just hit the update button if CS cart releases a new version. because most of our designs deviate from the standard three column CS cart layout installation would require a bit more effort than just copying template files and choosing it in the back end.

Home Page:

Category Page:

Product Page:


Misc Elements:

CMS Page:

Cart Page:


Slide Out:

Style Sheet:

Product List Page:

4Sprung Blog Pages (List, Category, Detail):





They would design and implementation wise somewhere like:



