Instructions on checkout page

Is there a way to do this

’ right on top of where the user has an option to select their checkout method, etc credit cards, paypal '

i want to put instructions. I want to let my foreign customers know that they must use paypal.

where can i put that? i want to have it in at least 3 -4 languages.

Depends on whether you’re using single or multi page checkout.

There is a hook in the multi-page checkout that you can use to put your info after it lists the products in the cart. Look at skins//customer/views/checkout/checkout.tpl.

But there are no hooks in the single-page checkout version. So you would need to alter the template itself. Or request a new hook and wait and see if/when it is implemented in the standard product.

im sorry but im a bit lost.

Okay, let’s start with basics…

Are you using single or multi-page checkout in your cart?