How To View The Full Product Name On Category List

Hi All,

Has been a while since my last tutorial and maybe is time to share more from my experience with cs.cart to the forum :D

The custom code will help you to see full product name in category list without strip it.

#add to file

<br />
design/themes/[THEME_NAME]/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/products/<br />

```<br />
#content<br />
<br />
{capture name="name_`$obj_id`"}<br />
		{if $hide_links}<strong>{else}<a href="{"products.view?product_id=`$product.product_id`"|fn_url}" class="product-title">{/if}{$product.product nofilter}{if $hide_links}</strong>{else}</a>{/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
	{assign var="capture_name" value="name_`$obj_id`"}<br />
	{$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}<br />
{/if}<br />

```<br />
* if any category structure of file from this tutorial is missing you need to create.<br />
<br />
Requirements: My Changes add-on to be enable<br />
<br />
The custom code should survive on upgrade because is using a hook<br />
<br />
I hope that helps,<br />
<br />
---<br />
Valentin<br />
[color=#808080][size=2]part of[/size][/color]

Thanks- I'm still having an issue with the titles being cut off. The title isn't being truncated by the template, but the space around it isn't big enough


Hi @lccoins,

The block have a fix height in css styles, please share the link and i will share the solution


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[quote name='Vali' timestamp='1401939087' post='185110']

Hi @lccoins,

The block have a fix height in css styles, please share the link and i will share the solution


[color=#808080][size=2]part of[/size][/color]



Is there a way to fix this as i am having the same text cut off issue.


Please share the link



[color=#808080][size=2]part of[/size][/color]

Thanks i was looking all over the grid views, didnt think it would be in the product data template!

Dont forget to add css so you can see the last line:

.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{

font-size: 1em !important;



height: 4.2em !important;


worked for me!