How to not include invoice with status notifications


Can someone suggest how in admin or in the code how to not include a copy of the invoice when changing the status to Completed. I do want to send an email, just not include the invoice.



Navigate to

[quote]Current path: skins / YOUR SKIN / mail / orders[/quote]

Edit file: order_notification.tpl

Remove line:

Thanks Darius, unfortunately this removes the invoice for every email sent including the order confirmation. I was playing with pulling in the status from orders.php with no success. Do you know how to pull in the new status as a variable so I can check to see if it equals “C” for Completed?

[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hi,[/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm also looking to do the same as described, [/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]did you find a solution yet?[/font][/color]