How To Change Company*

in the /index.php?dispatch=companies.apply_for_vendor

Company* in the first field of the application may be anything, because vendors may have no company and sell as private vendor. In this case, they are applying for a store or stand to showcase and sell their products/items.

Tried to change Company in the Translation, but nothing changed. Also Company* is not to be edited when using the on-site edit function...

On the other hand, it is not hard-coded, because in Russian, it says Компания.

In 4.9.x versions go to Profile fields page to change name of profile field (You will see new selection in the sidebar)

In 4.9.x versions go to Profile fields page to change name of profile field (You will see new selection in the sidebar)



- second link in the sidebar

Vendor Information

Change description, Save and make the field visible again.