How do I remove the product description box from the Categories in 2.0.8?

How do I remove the product description box from the Categories section in version 2.0.8?

Other descriptions listed in the form on how to do this do not work for me.

The box I want to remove is at the below link under the add to cart button


skins → [skin] → customer → views → product → components → product.tpl

{if $item_number == "Y"}{$smarty.foreach.products.iteration}. {/if}{$product.product|unescape}

{include file="views/products/components/buy_now.tpl" product=$product but_role="action" show_features=true show_sku=true hide_add_to_cart_button=$hide_add_to_cart_button}

[B]{if $product.short_description || $product.full_description}[/B]

{if $product.short_description}
{$product.full_description|unescape|strip_tags|truncate:280:"..."}{if $product.full_description|strlen > 280}{$lang.more_link}{/if}


ensure that those bolded lines exist

Sorry that code didn’t work. Any other ideas?

skins → [skin] → customer → views → categories-> custom_templates → products.tpl

{if $product.short_description || $product.full_description}

{if $product.short_description}
{$product.full_description|unescape|truncate:280:"..."}{if $product.full_description|strlen > 280}{$lang.more_link}{/if}


Comment out the above with {* before and *} after

Like so

{if $product.short_description || $product.full_description}

{if $product.short_description}
{$product.full_description|unescape|truncate:280:"..."}{if $product.full_description|strlen > 280}{$lang.more_link}{/if}



Thank you very much that worked.