How about adding a contact option to front page when store closed?

When the stores closed down, would be nice if customers could still have a way to contact you.

Edit the /store_closed.html to your liking.

Yeah ive done that with around 10 different tutorials online, even premade forms, they seem to work, but none of them are sending an actual email to me.

You should:

  1. have your form POST its data to a new file in the root of your store called closed_send.php
  2. Have closed_send.php format your form variables and then use the PHP mail() function to send you the email.
  3. Have it redirect back to store_closed.html when you're done.

Yeah you lost me.

Then you need to hire a developer to help you out. This is pretty basic.


I use zaza chat on my site. When I had to close my site for an upgrade a while ago, I put the chat code on the store_closed.html.

This way while the store was closed, I could still chat with customers and if not on line, they could send me an email through the chat software. zaza chat is hosted away from my cs-cart site. This worked well for me.
