Hiding Vendor Menu Items

And you are logged in as the vendor, not as your admin, right?

yes for 100% (green top bar)

So here's what I'm doing on another customer's site:

file: app/addons/my_changes/schemas/menu/menu.post.php

if( $_SESSION['auth']['user_type'] == 'V' ) {
  $schema['top']['addons'] = array();
return $schema;

and where should i place it ?

The extra section should be removed from template



How can I hide the "List Quantity Count" on the admin vendors panel view?

Thank you

use code from post #34 for the following part of code (it has hook in the latest versions)


how we can hide fields in the general tab (add product page) for vendors only using my_changes addon ?

fields to hide such as

1-Options settings section (Options type , Exceptions type)

2-exta section

3-Quantity step

cs cart version : latest multi vendor ultimate 4.11.3


yes, your version contains necessary hooks

Me, I want to add HELP menu for vendor.

I added in the /public_html/app/addons/my_changes/schemas/menu/menu.post.php

The following Code :

$schema['central']['help']= array(
'items' => array(
'help_product' => array(
'href' => '#',
'position' => 100,
'help_shipping' => array(
'href' => '#',
'position' => 200,
'help_stripe' => array(
'href' => '#',
'position' => 300,
'position' => 700,

I can see it as admin.., but not as VENDOR...

How I can allow vendor to see this menu.. ?

As far as I remember, you should add permissions to required controllers here


I would like to completely remove menu: "Customers" and "Website". I try also to remove: "Vendors" - "Vendors" (from that menu people can find out direct contact to customers: "View vendor users").

Create my_changes/schemas/menu.post.tpl and:

unset($schema['top']['customers'], $schema['top']['website']);
return $schema;


Create my_changes/schemas/menu.post.tpl and:

unset($schema['top']['customers'], $schema['top']['website']);
return $schema;


Look like file path should be


You can enable the My changes module and create the app/addons/my_changes/schemas/permissions/vendor_multivendor.post.php file with the following content:

$schema[‘controllers’][‘product_features’][‘modes’][‘manage’][‘permissions’] = false;
$schema[‘controllers’][‘product_filters’][‘modes’][‘manage’][‘permissions’] = false;
$schema[‘controllers’][‘profiles’][‘modes’][‘manage’][‘param_permissions’][‘user_type’][‘C’] = false;

return $schema;

Do not forget to clear cache before checking the result

Hi there.

Can you pplease help me hide "plan tab" in vendors >vendors for vendors only https://prnt.sc/ukmbrr

thank you,


Hi there.

Can you pplease help me hide "plan tab" in vendors >vendors for vendors only https://prnt.sc/ukmbrr

In the settings of the Vendor plans module disable the "Allow vendors to change plan" option

In the settings of the Vendor plans module disable the "Allow vendors to change plan" option


Thank you for replying.

I have already tried this solution but its not working : https://prnt.sc/ul71yl

I'm also trying to add vendor administrators (profiles.manage&user_type=V) , accounting (companies.balance) and vendors>vendors (companies.manage) to vendor administrator menu.

And here's an additional question. Can every vendor administrator change details of the company or delete another vendor administrator within the same vendor?

I was trying via vendor_multivendor_post https://prnt.sc/ul821v and even in menu_multivendor.php https://prnt.sc/ul82kk

but obviously I'm doing it wrong.

Can anyone please tell me what is the code structure to add this to my_changes ??

Thank you

In the settings of the Vendor plans module disable the "Allow vendors to change plan" option

I manage to add companies.balance to top administration menu https://prnt.sc/ul9x8g

by adding :

$schema['top']['administration']['items']['vendor_accounting'] = array(
'href' => 'companies.balance',
'position' => 150,
to menu_multivendor.php
but it wont be visible if i have //$schema['controllers']['companies']['modes']['balance']['permissions'] = false; in vendor_multivendor_post.php via my_changes
is it possible to hide it in central menu the same time being viisble in top administration menu?

Yes, you can set a menu item to null in a post schema and then enable it in another to move it. But why do you want to do this shuffle? Pretty clear that 'Vendor' functionality is in the 'Vendor' main menu....

Thank you for replying.

I have already tried this solution but its not working : https://prnt.sc/ul71yl

As temporary solution, open the app/addons/vendor_plans/controllers/backend/companies.post.php file and replace

    Registry::set('navigation.tabs.plan', array(
        'title' => __('vendor_plans.plan'),
        'js' => true,
    /*Registry::set('navigation.tabs.plan', array(
        'title' => __('vendor_plans.plan'),
        'js' => true,

As temporary solution, open the app/addons/vendor_plans/controllers/backend/companies.post.php file and replace

    Registry::set('navigation.tabs.plan', array(
        'title' => __('vendor_plans.plan'),
        'js' => true,
    /*Registry::set('navigation.tabs.plan', array(
        'title' => __('vendor_plans.plan'),
        'js' => true,


Thank you for your help.

It in fact hides this tab, but it also hides it from admin panel, but it wlod be good if admin could see what vendor plan is .

How can i modifie it so it will be visible for admin, but not for vendor?

Thank you,


In this case use

if (ACCOUNT_TYPE != 'vendor') {
    Registry::set('navigation.tabs.plan', array(
        'title' => __('vendor_plans.plan'),
        'js' => true,