Having Google Analytics *not* Track A Certain Type Of Purchase?

We're tracking conversions with Google Analytics.

Our catalog request / subscription flows through the checkout as well, as a $0 priced item.

This registers the user and records the subscriber's details with customer information.

These $0 transactions are artifically lowering the ecommerce conversion rates, being mixed in with all transactions. Sales totals for month are unchanged, but the numberous $0 catalog orders divides sales total by inflated transaction count.

Is there a code flag / hook one can add to Google Analytics tracking, or a flag we could add to cart checkout, that would prevent Analytics recording this class of conversion?


Another way perhaps-

Is there a method to flag transactions as a "default" type. And tag these $0 catalog subscriptions as a second type.

Allowing Analytics to track both, but using only "defaults", revenue producting conversions, when looking at ecommerce conversion rates?

Try to add new condition by $order_info['total'] to the fn_google_anaylitics_send function (app/addons/google_analytics/func.php)

Try to add new condition by $order_info['total'] to the fn_google_anaylitics_send function (app/addons/google_analytics/func.php)

What would be the syntax of something like this?