Google Map Placemarks

Hi all,
We would like to add our partners addresses into a google map so our customer can see where are located on google maps. A page that will have our country with markers. When a marker is clicked on, a box will appear and show the marker's title and description. Actually Wordpress has that (, so is there any add on for cs cart that works like this way or any other suggestion? Thank you!

The Store Locator addon?

I try it but needs to type an address to get results. My need is to have a page called “partners of our company” that will show directly google map with pins and informations when click on them.

I try it but needs to type an address to get results. My need is to have a page called "partners of our company" that will show directly google map with pins and informations when click on them.

I think that the easiest way is to adapt Store Locator addon to your needs. Hire someone to perform this work for you