Google Analytics Not Working For Vendors

We are using Multi-Vendor and purchased Simtech's GA Quick View addon. Unfortunately we can't get any stats from vendor micro-stores to show up in their google analytics accounts.

We inserted the view id, connected the account but nothing.

Have any Multi-Vendor stores here found a way to give the vendors stats on the micro-store?

Our vendors are BEGGING to see their page views and understand how their micro-store is performing.



I am also very interested to know about this issue. Did you find any solution yet?

nobody reply to this? cs-cart people?

where do vendors have to enter their GA details? I don't see on admin/vendor panel. but on addons settings, there is only 1 place to enter admin/website's GA account details.

where do vendors have to enter their GA details? I don't see on admin/vendor panel. but on addons settings, there is only 1 place to enter admin/website's GA account details.

Unfortunately, GA from vendors is not supported out of the box

The Google Analytics product is excellent, but if you are a vendor, this extension will not work for you out of the box. If you want to track these orders as leads and use GA as your CRM, it is well worth the money to have your developer make the necessary adjustments.

Unfortunately, GA from vendors is not supported out of the box

Just got this one; Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce

not sure how it will work, let's see.

Thanks eComLabs!


Yes, we ended up buying that one and it works well. Although, vendors need to know to use their "UA-" analytics code and not their "G-" analytics code to make it work.